What To DoWhen You Get In An Accident

At The Scene
  • Check For Injuries!
  • Move vehicles safely from the roadway.
  • Call Police for assistance.
  • Exchange pertinent information with other drivers involved in the accident.
  • Gather witness information if possible.
  • Determine if the vehicle is safe to drive away. If not, call our 24 hour towing company at 610.525.9694, or ask the Police for assistance.
  • Take Photos. If you have a camera on your phone, take advantage of it!
When Reporting The Claim
  • Have all the pertinent information about the accident ready. (When, Where, Police Report Number, Witnesses, and Injuries).
  • Give your account of how the accident happened.
  • Tell the claim person that your vehicle can be seen at Orsini's Auto Body.
  • Do Not let the insurance company tell you that you have to take your vehicle to a shop that they choose! You have the right to choose which shop will repair your vehicle, not the insurance company.
  • Get your claim number, the name of your claim representative (adjustor) and their phone number. Give this information to us so that we may help expedite the claims process.
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